I finally finished the Punisher, Descent into Darkness piece! Just in time too! It seems that it can still be used for the Capitol City Comic Con, taking place in the middle of July. Hooray! I'm going to be honest, I thought that I was just going to fail this one and let down my client. Which would have really sucked. It was already long overdue and that alone made me feel terrible
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Pencils by: Ace Continuado |
I had some issues with it, one of those issues being how black everything was. It was so heavily inked and I have never worked with anything like that before, it was definitely a learning experience. I still kinda feel like I made a huge mess out of it. The colors are bright, which is odd for me anyway. Especially since the subject matter is so dark. I guess at the very least it'll get someone's attention right?
On top of the colors, I've also been trying very hard to brush up on my own pencils and solo projects. There were a couple that came out of boredom since work had slowed to a crawl for a week or two. I'll admit, I may have drawn a few silly pictures and wrote some really nerdy things in box lids while I was doing inventory. At least anyone who finds these boxes might get a laugh if they understand the references.
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Someone's going to be so confused. |
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Hey, look! Sarlacc barf! |
Along with video game references, there were movie lines, silly "Confucius" jokes, an inside joke, which I'm sure no one will even understand but it sounded like a good idea at the time. One said "Han shot first!" Another had a picture of a stop sign and then "Hammer time" down below it. I think the "arrow to the knee" joke made it in there somewhere too.
I even drew a De Lorean in one of them. Yes, THE De Lorean from Back to the future. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of it. All I had to screw around with was a single black sharpie, I made the most of it.
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Only YOU can prevent range fires |
I'll probably get in trouble for it, but it's totally worth it.
As for some even more recent sketches... well.. They haven't been many and they haven't been easy either.
I know I want to put an owl on this next one below. I wanted to do some crazy fancy owl makeup too, but I wasn't too thrilled with her neck. I attempted to add a different angle than usual and some movement to my sketch but I sorta failed.

Oh yeah that.
I'm so freaked out about going right now. I have never been to Baltimore in my entire life and I have only ever passed through Maryland to visit my in-laws in Jersey. Hooray for being scared shitless!
This next sketch of Daenerys from Game of Thrones I did with every intention of practicing with my greyscale markers. I ended up caving into the pencil in the end. I wasn't even happy with the way her face turned out, not to mention her wonky boobies. And what's with that hair? It's all floaty and all over the place.
This is because I'm a total amateur and I was going to attempt making it look like a fancy portrait because I can't draw arms, hands, or anything else for that matter.

I do have a work in progress shot for you guys. It's only a very small portion of the overall piece. I'm saving all of that for the big reveal. I also want to finish this with enough time to print it out for Otakon. It would be replacing my old Daenerys piece.
Everything I have been doing lately is an experiment. As of right now I'm not even sure that I like her skin tones. Perhaps it's a little too dull. I jumped ahead of myself and started adding color before I was really done laying out the whole thing.
This means I'll probably be taking a few steps backward on this one. But no worries! I have a feeling I can finish it and that this will be one of my best works to date! There will be dragons, and fire, and so much stuff that I'm pretty sure I can't draw.
I'm gonna do it anyway! Onward with the artwork!
Also, for those of you who are interested, I would really like to do a Q & A blog entry. One with illustrations. I'd like to practice some expressions and this seems like a fun way to do it. If you're curious about anything at all, feel free to ask! There's a little box to contact the author on the side of the page. Use it to ask whatever you'd like and I'll answer all the questions in a blog post within the next few weeks! You can also comment on this blog post to ask your question! It doesn't even have to be art related :3
Fire away!
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