Tuesday, July 5, 2016

To The Anti-Parent American

"Having kids is a choice. Can't have sympathy for anyone who willingly invites misery into their lives."

Some asshole said this, and then asked me to explain why this thought process is wrong and a problem. This is what I have to say to them and people like them:

To the childless elitists: 

Your thought process is wrong because it is you that makes the system so rigged. It is people like you that make it hard because you've never been in the situation to know anything about it. It's people like you that think a woman can go back to work the day after popping out a baby because you don't care to understand. You are the reason why there is no sympathy for a woman that had a good career until she got pregnant and laid off.

You and people like you are enablers for this broken system of parent haters. The shamers, the little green-eyed monsters that think that maternity leave is a vacation, the little selfish brats that think that the woman or man leaving work early to take care of a puking five-year-old is just the same as taking the day off to go relax by the pool. You perpetuate the cycle and care nothing about fixing it because it's "Not your problem."

The problems I am having as a parent are not simply money oriented. Financially I am doing just fine. There are many problems in society that you will not notice until you become a parent and people like you are a large part of that problem because you refuse to acknowledge it. Not having children does not make you smarter. Your unwillingness to really understand a parent makes you blissfully ignorant to the problems that you perpetuate with your snooty attitude. Remember, parents remember what it was like to be you. They were childless once. However, you don't know what it's like to be them.

My child is not misery, children are not the cause of misery. 

America has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world, we also have the least family leave and the biggest gap between the happiness of childless people and the happiness of parents.

And this is your fault.

Shaming parents for having kids is your fault, the deteriorating condition of family life in America is your fault, the link between being a parent and being miserable is your fault. Don't want to have kids? Fine, that's your choice, but you are no smarter, no wiser, and no better than any parent just because you made that decision.

You won't wake up and smell the roses until these kids who have had a hard family life - thanks to you - end up running the country. You won't think about it until these kids are taking care of you in the old folks home. I guess you had better hope that you die long before you need that kind of help. I suppose you could also hope that their parents managed to install a good moral compass during the time they weren't working their asses off, or just maybe you could change your attitude before it gets to that point.

This is why your thought process is wrong and this is why you need to stop turning your nose up at the problems facing kids and parents today just because you aren't one.

You and your ignorance and your elitist bullshit are holding back the whole damn country!

The world that the future generations are growing up in is EVERYONE'S PROBLEM.

Next time I promise to have an art related post but I just had to get this one off my chest.

Spark, out.