Friday, June 19, 2015

Question: Google Yourself?

Alright so maybe I'm not interesting enough to ask questions, I've already kind of abandoned the idea of a Q and A entry.

So instead of asking me a question, I'm going to ask all of you a question.

So big question of the day, have you ever Google'd yourself? Do you ever find things that you didn't quite expect? Use the google image search and tell me, which of your artworks do you find are the most widespread?

I know when I first got on DeviantArt back in high school, you could Google my user name and you would find nothing. Nothing but my DA page and maybe my Facebook page or Gaia Online profile. (yep, I was fourteen years old when I signed up there, that was when Gaia was in it's heyday.)

Things have changed now though. Thanks to Google's reverse image search, I've found all sorts of crazy things. Apparently my art has gotten more attention than I realized over the years. Especially the more recent pieces.

Here's a little story about one of the more amusing cases I've found for myself.

Boy have I got a surprise for you guys.
"Broken Trinity" (Pencils by Ace Continuado) has gotten around quite a bit. That piece made it to tumblr and pinterest before I ever did. People seem to love editing this one and taking their own spin on it. It's partially my fault that I didn't seem to color it clearly enough. You see the picture to the left is how it is presented all over the internet. Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, everyone seems to like this idea.

You know which idea I'm talking about too. The idea that there's some crazy battle going on and Superman is down for the count and wonder woman is there to save him. Well we've cropped out a small detail here.

This next image here is the full version from my DeviantArt page. Look closely and what do you see?  The name of the piece is "Broken Trinity," not "Broken Duo"

Broken Trinity as seen on my deviantART page.

 And this is what everyone seems to be missing... Or leaving out as the case may be.

He's in a better place now....

You see it now? Yep, you got it people. That's Batman, he's dead, and that murder weapon should look vaguely familiar for any Wonder Woman fan.

So now you have it, the truth behind my most wildly popular color job. Wonder Woman just won a battle royal with Batman and Superman.

This is an interesting development though. I mean let's face it, this is kinda morbid. Either someone legitimately missed the detail and thought Wonder Woman was saving Superman, or someone chose to ignore that detail and see only what they wanted to see by cropping it out.

I'm thinking about this too hard aren't I?

Anyways that concludes our short little entry this week. Hopefully next week I can talk about my big project!

Thanks for reading! Also, feel free to share about any time that you've ever Google'd yourself!

Until next week.

Spark, out.

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question: I am fairly well buried on Google. Image search does bring up some of my photobucket stuff.

    Love love love your art. Love the thematic elements in "Broken Trinity" and adore the little detail like the death mask in the mist.

    Why did they misinterpret it? I don't know. For me it is Goddess for the win, all the way!
