Hey everyone, just letting you guys know I'm still alive!
Feast your eyes on this CUTENESS!! |
As of right now I haven't completed any artwork in ages. It's not really got much to do with having a baby. I know that people will tell you all the time that having a baby will cramp your style. You have to give up everything for the baby. That is really only partially true. She's nine months old now and while I do have to sacrifice a lot of me time for her, I actually feel like I don't get enough time with her.
This is how she wakes up... |
I actually enjoy being a parent. Everything she does is cute (Except the pooping ... that's not cute.) I really don't feel as burdened as people told me I would. I even had someone tell me that my life was over because I had a child. No, no, on my rare days off I can take her out places. Sure it takes me longer to get out the door but she's plenty portable and really enjoys getting out.
I take her everywhere.
I suppose I also got lucky and have probably one of the happiest, most well behaved babies on the face of the planet. So far, I have never had to take her screaming out of a restaurant and at the moment she mostly sleeps through the night. She wakes up SMILING every day for crying out loud! I wish I could do that!
I could not have even imagined a more perfect child.
The only thing she didn't like was Santa.
I think I can live with that, she'll probably get me back in a few years.
She wasn't looking at the camera she was looking at me. |
My life with a child is just fine.
The soul-sucking, time-destroyer is my current job.
It's awful and I hate it. I have a hard time even getting out of bed in the morning because I dread it that much. Every time I pull into the parking lot and realize that the building hasn't been burned down overnight, I just want to cry. I have been working overtime every week. I can't get away from overtime. I work six and seven days a week. Seriously there are some weeks, I walk into the break room and see the schedule and I don't even have a single day off for the whole week.
Don't even get me started on the fumes in that place. Plastic injection molding plant with no ventilation? They're asking for a lawsuit and I feel like complete crap when I get home. I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to get much of anything done until I can ditch this job for something that pays more and actually gives their employees more than just one day off a week.
I work so much that I feel like I don't even get enough time with my daughter. Before the Christmas break, she would treat my grandmother like she was her mother instead of me, because I was gone so much and my grandmother takes care of her while I'm a work. It was heart breaking. I was so depressed I felt like just driving my car into the nearest telephone pole on the way into work because I didn't want to be there. This job makes me feel like a failure. I've failed to get a good job, and thanks to this job I'm also failing at being a mother. One of the most natural things ever and I can't even do
that because this god-forsaken job is
in the way.
I need a scanner so bad. |
The holiday was a much needed break, but it's gone right back to the way it was and I'm honestly not
sure that I can take it much longer. Luckily I've got a few job prospects lined up now that it's the beginning of the year and a lot of places are looking into hiring. I just need to actually get hired by one of them. I've got three chances to get hired in the next two weeks, someone's gotta take me so hopefully this debacle will be over shortly and I can get back to doing some artwork.
I've been sketching some when I can find a spare moment. Over the past few months the only thing I have worth showing is an anime style original character and a steampunk koi fish.
Well I guess that's some kind of progress since I rarely do my own line work. If anyone can help me figure out Adobe Illustrator, I'll be forever grateful! I want to turn the koi into a t-shirt design because I think it could be a hit.
I like it anyway and I don't usually like my own things.
Anyway, hopefully next time I'll have something to show and I can start making updates for just artwork. That's what I eventually want to do with this blog. An article every week, and two purely art posts. I haven't given up yet! Just give it another month...
Spark, out.